The Esoteric Meaning of the Olympic Rings

The Esoteric Meaning of the

Olympic Rings

From a Blog series by Bob Schlenker

I am not affiliated with Bob Schlenker but I highly recommend his Blog and writings on the subject of the Olympics. I share his posts here as a mirror site page because it will give some background to the subject and allow beginners to get to grips with the multiple layering of meaning hidden within the symbols and rituals of the Olympic Games. Discover more about Bob Schlenker and his insights on his Blog; The Open Scroll

The Esoteric Meaning of the Olympic Rings - Bob Schlenker

Friday, March 12, 2010

Part 1 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

First, some items of interest. Barley has already been discovered in the aviv state, mature enough to be offered at the appointed time. This means the new year on the Lord’s calendar will begin on March 17, 2010 at sunset, anticipating the sighting of the new moon. Both the Moon and the barley signify the Bride of HaMashiach, symbols appointed by the Bridegroom (Sun and firstfruits of barley) Himself! The state of maturity is a very big deal, being celebrated every month and every year in anticipation of the coming anti-typical reality! The appointed watch day for the sign to the Bride that is the 13th day of the first month is then expected to begin on March 29, 2010 as the Sun sets in Israel. Lord willing, I’ll be watching!

To many people, the Olympic games are all about athletic competition and national pride. Those who take a close enough look at the games and the IOC, their governing body, become aware that the competition is merely a vehicle for the promotion of the worship of Zeus and the return of his son. The IOC makes no attempt to disguise the fact that they are entirely pagan yet they operate primarily in the ways of the occult as they accomplish their agendas, which are the secretive and devious ways of their gods.

Their logo is an occult symbol that is seen nearly everywhere during the increasingly frequent seasons of Olympic games. Some time ago I began to ponder what their logo really meant. I knew the official explanation fails to reveal what’s most important. I could tell it had to be a very powerful symbol because it was so exalted and ubiquitous! Well, finally, I get it! It’s the pyramid! Sure, it’s obfuscated, and there’s more to it than just that - but that’s what it is!

The five Olympic rings are the truncated pyramid, flipped upside down so as not to be too obvious. When you flip it “right side up” you see the familiar form without a capstone!

The capstone is not there, but yet, it’s there very subtly by inference. The background is white. A white ring is “unseen” against a same-color background. With an understanding of colors and with some consideration of the symmetry of the rings’ color pairings you discover that following the pattern that emerges leads to the matching of the black ring with an opposing white one, completing the pyramid! The condition in which it lacks a capstone gives it an unbalanced dynamic. The image as designed and presented seeks completion, drawing us subtly, subliminally, to complete it.

This pyramid that is so popular in occult iconography was recently addressed at length in this blog as the hidden symbol of the Vancouver cauldron. It’s the body and temple of the Beast of Revelation 13:1. The pyramid presented in the Olympic rings logo as “wanting a capstone” (wanting - as in both “lacking” and “desiring”) advances the agenda of the IOC. It subtly prompts our interaction, inviting us to focus on the objective that is to set the capstone in place. This is a set-up for accepting the beast and the mark of the beast.

With this logo’s simple design they are leveraging principles of influence, some of which are known as priming. Ultimately the reasoning facilities of the people so influenced are set aside when the time comes to make the decision to join with the Beast and his body-network. The spiritual dynamic suggests there is a demonic spell cast through this symbol. The symbol is ubiquitous, and while some consider it merely clever branding it is far, far more than that!

I’ve been aware for a long time that the Lord sometimes directs His people to avoid the Olympics and everything related to them. In such a way, the Lord lovingly protects them by limiting their exposure to the considerable danger. In this series of blog posts where I present so many of these wicked symbols, it would be wrong to present them except as directed to bring them into the light, exposing them. This nullifies their effect and sets people free from the controlling spells and demonic influence. Occult symbols are not to be considered lightly.

Consider this view of the Vancouver 2010 logo. If you printed it out, folded it, and held it up to the window so the light could shine through, you would see something like this. See the capstone on the pyramid! The green head of the stylized inunnguaq represents the son of Zeus, aka the green-skinned Osiris, head of the Beast body, as presented in this recent post.

More coming, Lord willing!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Part 2 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

Where did this evil logo come from? It was designed in 1912 by the Jesuit trained Pierre de Coubertin, the man I introduced in an earlier post as the founder of the modern Olympic Games. The rise of this symbol’s popularity came in association with the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. It was famously used by the Nazis to promote the Third Reich. It was at these same games that, through Nazi influence, (Carl Dium) the tradition of lighting the flame on Mt. Olympus by the sun and running the relay through different countries began. Hitler and the Nazis knew their occult symbols, to be sure! Pierre de Coubertin had one ready that was fit for the task!

When Pierre designed the logo he not only chose the form of the pyramid but was also inspired to use elements that individually identify the body of the pyramid as the peoples of the whole world, and collectively identify them as those who receive the mark of the Beast. The rings, their colors and the way they are connected represent all the people of the world, linked together, and undying!

The colors chosen represent the five inhabited continents of the world, with the blue, yellow, black, green, red (on the white background), according to De Coubertin, standing for those colors that appeared on all the national flags of the world at that time.

In number as in color, the rings represent the five inhabited continents of the world, according to De Coubertin, “the five parts of the world which now are won over to Olympism and willing to accept healthy competition.

The association of all the people of the world with the number five is biblical. I’ve observed that the popularly misrepresented sign of The Feeding of the Five Thousand is a prophetic type of the feeding the bread of life to the whole world. The bread of life (John 6) is the son of God, who came down from heaven. Zeus/Satan is well aware of this, inspiring De Coubertin’s five elements of the Olympic logo that present the anti-bread from heaven being fed to the whole world!

This meaning of the logo’s five rings becomes quite clear when you grasp what was meant by de Coubertin’s use of the term, “Olympism,” as when he explained the five rings as signifying “the five parts of the world which now are won over to Olympism.” Consider an excerpt from the book “Philosophy of Olympism” by Ljubodrag Simonovic. “As far as the relation between Olympism and religion is concerned, Coubertin, unlike many of his followers who try to conceal the true nature of modern Olympism, is crystal clear: “The first essential characteristic of ancient and of modern Olympism alike is that of being a religion.” So, if we can simply accept de Coubertin’s own explanation, the five rings of the Olympic logo represent the nations of the world that are won over to the religion called Olympism.

His declaration of the meaning of the colors as those of every national flag compares to the other statement he made about the number five, that it represents the five inhabited continents of the world. Obviously, the scope of his vision for Olympism is global and totalitarian.

I recommend that you read at the very least, the “Olympism as a Positive Religion” section of Simonovic’s book, to give you a perspective on the Olympic phenomenon of today as one that has followed a charted course.

When the five rings of the truncated pyramid body are summed with the one of the completing capstone, the six of the completed pyramid represents the completed man, whose number is six.

We find a similar testimony on the obverse side of the great seal of the U.S. When the double deltas are traced in the glowing array of 13 stars a significantly numbered configuration appears. Seven stars are encircled by a ring of six! The seven, representing spiritual perfection, or, divinity, is inside the six, man. This is the higher level of the completed man, represented in the Olympic rings via its numerous levels of symbolism. In this we see the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men, the serpent’s offspring produced through the mark of the beast!

As for the interlocking rings themselves, the origin of these symbolic elements can be traced back to Carl Jung. Yes, that Carl Jung - the one who wrote that, “The psychological mechanism that transforms energy is the symbol.” According to Carl, the ring meant continuity and the human being. What is the ring, then, but the symbolic image of a human with continuity, undying, with eternal life? The ring portends the triple helix transformation I’ve been blogging about for a few months that will counterfeit a resurrection body! The ring is as the ouroboros. Looking around at the state of things today, I have to say Jung’s belief about a symbol being a psychological mechanism that transforms energy is pretty well validated. Wouldn’t you agree?

The interlocking of the rings speaks of these things:

  • The marriage bond, as between the anti-Bridegroom and anti-Bride.
  • Linked and locked together, the freedom of the individual to act independently of the others is limited.
  • The interconnection of those who receive the mark of the Beast. This is the connection established between an individual and the others connected into the Beast network. This connection enables the interaction referred to in the slogan, “Experience a new world of interaction.” (By the way, they now have a new marketing sequence of three scenes. Perhaps the previous version was just a bit too obvious? Perhaps they didn’t appreciate the exposure?) This creates a brotherhood of man infused with the same family DNA. Those connected are grafted into the bad tree, permenantly.
  • The female, identifying the daughters of men. The symbol created by the linked rings is a version of what’s referred to as the vesica piscis. Because the shape resembles the female vulva it’s recognized as another symbol of the female.

The formation of the “female” vesica piscis highlights another signification of the Olympic rings logo. The form created by tracing around the outside of the rings is that of a downward pointing delta, the daughters of men symbol. The four vesica piscis add to the downward pointing delta to present a redundant testimony and amplify the magnitude of the symbol’s influence.

What does the standard presentation of the Olympic rings on a rectangular white banner mean? The white rectangle (male) represents the divine sons of god, so, yet once more, it’s the occult presentation of the sons of god with the daughters of men. Redundancy. I think we’re beginning to catch on to what the Olympic rings logo means!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Part 3 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

So far in this series I’ve shown how the Olympic Rings logo testifies of the Beast and the mark of the beast. This meaning is presented redundantly, on one level after another. It also matches exactly the witness of the Beijing closing ceremonies, from both the Chinese and the London presentations. Before I wrap up this brief series of posts I intend to propose a perspective on all this you probably haven’t yet considered. But first, here’s a few more observations to ponder.

Now, here’s a remarkable thing. The Olympic rings logo appeared in a field of crops in the UK not long ago. That’s not the remarkable part - it was done as a publicity stunt.

We received a call from the top selling UK tabloid newspaper The Sun which has a daily readership of 8.5 million people. They wanted to put together a PR stunt to help raise the profile of their campaign to have the 2012 Olympic Games held in London, so we agreed to make the Olympic logo crop circle which consists of 5 interlocking rings in a field in Wiltshire for them.” (Circlemakers)

If you follow this blog and what I’ve written about the Beijing Olympic ceremony signs you should know the crop signs factor in when the larger scope of supernatural signage is considered. This one does too! The version of the Olympic logo they produced is an interesting variant.

The Olympic rings are usually found within a rectangular (male) area, like on the flag or a banner, but the crop sign rings are inside a circle (female). Add to this the female vesica piscis and female downward pointing delta. The design was made in a crop of barley, which is the grain symbolic of the female Bride of HaMashiach, biblically. Crops are all about bearing fruit, so what do we make of this sign? The crop circle brings to my mind the image of a human egg, fertilized, undergoing mitosis. Do you see the resemblance?

Now, here’s something that might really boggle your mind. Who was responsible for making this sign? The Sun! Get it? The (anti-Bridegroom father Zeus, source of the Olympic flame) Sun! Think about it. Let it sink in. This version of “The Sun” is a tabloid, but not The Word Himself (John 1). This version of the Sun is of the UK, the United Kingdom, but not the kingdom united under the true King of Kings. What kind of offspring do you think are in view?

As signs go, some might seem to be a stretch or based on rather flimsy evidence, but this one really has to be considered as “over the top!” Do we get the message?

I think we’re going to discover that the “aliens” (deceptive demons) really did back their bid! London in 2012 - the Summer Olympics - will it be everything it is hyped to be? We’ll soon see! Watch with me.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Part 4 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

The Olympic Rings logo is an occult symbol that conceals and reveals a very dark secret. This secret is that which has been known to and closely guarded by the elite priesthoods of the mystery religions and the most trusted among the secret societies of every culture through the ages. That is the conclusion that must ultimately be drawn by students of the symbolic meanings of the artifacts and historical accounts passed down through time. Given how powerfully influential the Olympics have become, what does it mean that Olympism is a religion dedicated to the fulfillment of this dark secret?

If one takes an honest and critical look at the world today and tries to recognize the nature of what is pictured in the Bible as a “one world religion,” one stands out from among the others: Olympism. To what other temple do the nations come, together as one, to worship at a common altar? We have to ask whether Baron Pierre de Coubertin’s vision is quietly fulfilling Bible prophecy while everyone’s attention is turned elsewhere.

While I’ve already given some attention to this subject matter there are some more examples to be presented that will help you learn to read the secret testimony where it has been concealed. Among these examples are two posters that imply the sixth ring of the Olympic rings logo, both from the 1936 Berlin “Nazi” Summer Olympics. I’ll address the first of them in this post.

I’m wondering if this poster that features the Brandenburg Gate with its Quadriga might actually have a white ring completing the delta/pyramid. I can’t tell because it would be hidden behind (or inside) the head of the golden giant Olympian (which is apparently intended to represent Apollo). The positioning of the rings relative to the head suggests that the unseen ring is the third eye. That would be the eye that is the lamp of the body (Luke 11) of the capstone head.

Let’s turn that pyramid right-side up. Now it’s obvious. Now it resembles the “folded” version of the Vancouver 2010 logo!

The golden god sure has a glowing look to him. I suspect Aleister Crowley really liked this poster, who wears in a popular photo the glowing capstone as an illuminated third eye.

The Olympic posters I’ve considered at length all seem to have some procreative feature. This one has the essential procreative feature in the iron cross inside the laurel wreath on the staff being held by the goddess Victoria, who is driving a chariot drawn by four horses.

The interpretation of the cross features the individual vertical and horizontal elements, plus their intersection. With regard to the great and dark secret of the ages, the vertical represents the heavenly male, the sons of god. The horizontal represents the earthly female, the daughters of men. The intersection of these two represents their union that results in the conception and birth of offspring.

In classical mythology, the quadriga is the chariot of the gods; Apollo was depicted driving his quadriga across the heavens, delivering daylight and dispersing the night.” Quadriga - Wikipedia
In this poster, you can’t see Victoria’s wings or discern that she is female, which suggests that there is actually a single god in view, pictured twice; Apollo. This view is supported by the fact that the Brandenburg Gate’s design is based upon the Propylaea, which is the gateway to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. Such an exalted element as the primary “stargate” - the access portal to the home of the gods - should honor no less than Apollo himself. Indeed, it’s really his symbol that appears on the staff. An iron cross inside a laurel wreath is a sonnenrad, a solar disk and sun wheel - the sign of Apollo! The eagle that holds the sonnenrad in its talons is the family mascot, of Zeus, Apollo’s father.

Notice how the procreative symbol is pictured in that poster from an angle where it is separating the four horses to mark off three and one. Hmmmmm. As the very kind of sign I’ve been looking for, it speaks to me of the critical link that establishes the dating of the week of years (Daniel’s “seventieth”) that is so very, very important! Is this another confirmation signaled through the agency of the Olympics? If so, the poster’s imagery points to the year 2012, the year Tom Horn has identified as the secret of the Great Seal’s pyramid’s time code! It is also the year of the London Olympics, about which so much has been signaled!

Does it surprise you to see the same agenda signaled in today’s Olympic imagery from way back in 1936? Here’s a promotional poster from the Paris Olympics, going all the way back to 1900. The circle and rectangle are female and male, respectively, but notice how the female figure is positioned relative to the Eiffel Tower. Imagination is hardly required to see the procreative aspect. Maybe it’s just me, but subtlety just doesn’t seem to have been factored into the design with a very high priority. The designers of that crude poster could have taken a lesson from the folks responsible for the erection of this member seen during the Vancouver 2010 closing ceremony, presented here in one of their official “highlights” images. See. Now that’s subtle.

The occult Olympic imagery is all about procreation and the mark of the Beast. It’s not that the IOC is obsessed with sex, but the hybrid offspring must be brought forth in fulfillment of their god’s agenda, and the continual signaling of this secret is a vital means to their end. Is this beginning to make sense to you? Do you see why the same message is being proclaimed over and again, saturating the environment with symbols, with versions of every kind?
  1. Note the tripod in the Vancouver image:
    Apollo’s most common attributes were the bow and arrow. Other attributes of his included the kithara (an advanced version of the common lyre), the plectrum and the sword. Another common emblem was the sacrificial tripod, representing his prophetic powers.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Part 5 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

To really grasp the meaning of the Olympic Rings logo it helps to see it in a broad range of contexts. What I see more and more clearly as I continue to study and learn is that its symbolic testimony of the one world antichrist-Beast religion referred to by Pierre de Coubertin as Olympism builds upon the foundation of numerous foreshadowing constructs. These constructs, that range from entire civilizations and empires to passing movements, each serve the ideal of Olympism, preparing for the incarnation of Apollo and his ascension to the throne that counterfeits the coming appearance of the true Messiah.

The posters I’m covering in this blog that relate to the 1936 Summer games in Berlin tie some of these shadow forms of Olympism together, especially this one you see here. It’s titled “Olympischer Fackellauf,” which translates to “Olympic Torch Relay.” This one, like the one featured in the previous post, focuses our attention on the unseen ring.

Those of us who play “connect the dots” will find plenty here to play with! Some of what is found linked together in the symbolic imagery isn’t generally thought of as being connected, but, when you compare feature to feature it’s really obvious there’s lots in common, even a supernatural source.

This “Olympischer Fackellauf” poster’s design draws our attention to focus upon where a sixth ring would complete the pattern of the five rings. The torch rests upon this ring that “isn’t” there. The gradient lighting of the background suggests that the unseen ring is the true source of light, not the flame of the torch. The unseen ring graphically connects the torch with the Temple and altar of Zeus, a structure that has a very notable history; ancient, not so ancient and very recent. I’m shortly going to be showing you the “unseen” ring I just introduced, Lord willing, as it has been presented in some very dramatic contexts! However, before I do, the balance of this particular post is dedicated to a couple other elements.

First, there is the requisite procreative feature. The phallic torch with the flame of Zeus is pictured penetrating the arrangement of rings that’s redundantly identified as female by the downward pointing delta and the vesica piscus. Now, if there’s any humor to be found in the Olympic torch relay it’s related to this “love story” and involves the expression “carrying a torch.” The idiom is usually heard in the context of a song, where the person singing is in love with someone and that love is not returned in kind. The striking reality of the “Olympischer Fackellauf” is that those who “carry the torch” for Zeus and Apollo are truly unloved by them! This observation isn’t of an irony, actually, since there’s no contradiction or incongruity here - it’s just the “nature of the Beast,” to use another applicable figure!

An important connection to Superman can be seen in this poster’s imagery in the color scheme and shape of the rings. If you’ve been following this blog for a few months you will find the blue and red motif of the poster familiar. These colors of the heart frequently appear together in occult symbols with the heart’s accent color, yellow or orange. The rings on the poster don’t appear in the usual five color array but only in red. As the rings are in the shape of a downward pointing delta and red in color, when placed upon the blue background it resembles Superman’s shield.

The “Olympischer Fackellauf” poster from the 1936 might not have been designed with Superman specifically in mind (The character was introduced in 1932 but it wasn’t until June of 1938 that Superman was popularized in Action Comics #1.) but it should be apparent that the inspiration for both comes from the same source. They share a common meaning and purpose. (See Superman and Metropolis, the great merchant city)

Some very interesting connections should be drawn between Superman and Hitler’s Nazi Third Reich. In 1932, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created the fictional character Superman. In that same year, Hitler implemented the Lebensborn program, which was intended to be the “spring of life” for the Master Race. The program that involved Superman (or, Übermensch) was all about selective breeding with the intent to spawn a “superior race which was intended to rule the earth during the Nazis’ so-called “Thousand Year Reich”.” (Hitler’s Supermen) That this was a serious undertaking is underscored by the number of offspring produced under the Lebensborn program, a claimed 42,000!

What might seem like an ironic twist in this comparison is the fact of Superman’s strong Hebrew roots and Hitler’s antisemitic bent. However, not all who lay claim to being a Jew or a Hebrew honor the sovereign Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Another very interesting link between Superman and the Nazi party is the city called Metropolis. While most associate this fictional city with New York City, Toronto or one of several others, if you’ve ever seen the most expensive silent film ever produced, titled, Metropolis, you would be busily connecting some dots for some time to come. The film was written by a Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Lang as a screenplay in 1924. Based on Thea von Harbou’s (Mrs. Lang’s) thesis, another version, a novelization, was produced in 1926. The film produced in 1927 was one with which the Nazi party had considerable fascination. Rent it on Netflix sometime and you’ll see why. The primary author, von Harbou herself, became a passionate member of the Nazi party in 1933. The inspiration for the musical score is partly attributed to the music of Richard Wagner, beloved composer of the Third Reich. I noted with interest how the film was produced in the Babelsberg Studios.

In closing, I want to share how my eyes were opened yet again todayto see some really surprising insight about the “unseen ring” and just how and by whom it has been presented. Coming soon - Lord willing!

Part 6 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

When we know what the Olympic rings logo signifies we can better understand what is signaled in the varied contexts where we find it. The logo’s appearance on the “Olympischer Fackellauf” poster (Olympic Torch Relay - Berlin - 1936) speaks volumes to me! Interpreting the symbolic imagery exposes some profound connections between the antichrists Adolph Hitler and Barack Obama.

Links between these two have been made by many in the past couple of years, most recently with regard to this week’s passage of the ObamaCare bill that echos the Nazi Aktion T4 program. Obama’s leadership of America follows the pattern of Hitler’s leadership of Germany. The occult signaling of Satan’s plan reveals that Obama has picked up where Hitler left off. The symbols bear witness to this, validating what many suspect and what some know by revelation insight. Behind these two lies another, even Apollo.

When you consider only the blue elements of the “Olympischer Fackellauf” poster you perceive an early morning scene. We can identify the western face of the Temple and altar of Zeus, which has been in Berlin where those Olympic games were being held. Looking eastward, we see it in silhouette against the brightening sky. Dawn approaches, and the rising Sun in this context represents the dawn of Apollo.

Consider the following prayer, offered by high priestess Maria Nafpliotou in the Temple of Hera on October 22, 2009. Apollo God of Sun and the idea of light send your rays and light the sacred torch for the hospitable city of Vancouver and you Zeus give peace to all peoples on earth and wreath the winners of the Sacred race.” The cauldron flame was then lit by means of focusing the rays of the Sun using a parabolic mirror. Ritually, Apollo, God of Sun, answered their prayers. This lighting of the torch initiated the “sacred” (unholy) “fackellauf” that carried the flame to Vancouver’s cauldrons.

Olympism’s spiritual light comes from Apollo. His presence is suggested in the poster’s imagery by the way the scene is lit. The gradient lighting presents the dawn of “Apollo God of Sun and the idea of light.” Relative to the temple and altar of Zeus, we’re presented with a view that anticipates Apollo’s coming to his temple. Relative to the Olympic rings, Apollo god of Sun should be understood as the unseen ring’s identity.

Here are some passages of scripture that relate to both the genuine and counterfeit events in view. 2 Peter 1:19, Malachi 4:1-3, Psalm 19:1-6, Zechariah 14:4, Ezekiel 43:1-5, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Revelation 13:1-10, Luke 11:33-36

It can be said that both Hitler and Obama are keepers of the flame, fellow torch bearers. These two men, renowned for their elaborate and carefully attended personal branding, even share the “Apollo Brand” in Obama’s sunrise logo and Hitler’s “sun wheel” or “solar cross” swastika! I’ll elaborate shortly, but let me state plainly that Apollo god of Sun has not yet dawned in his ultimate incarnation. While Hitler and Obama have borne the torch that was carried in ages past from the “mountain of the gods” by such as Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, Antiochus Epiphanes and Nero before them, this torch relay that is the greater Olympischer fackellauf has not yet reached the flame’s final destination. One who was and “is not” awaits the dawn.

The occult imagery presented by the IOC is as richly endowed with meaningful symbols as anything I’ve seen put out by the likes of the Roman Catholics or any secret society. It’s the nature of symbols to both conceal and reveal. When we consider the fackellauf poster’s stylized temple some startling “dots” are presented that invite “connection.” I perceive in this a number of literal temples that each, while themselves genuine, represent a greater spiritual reality. This is the same kind of modeling that is known by students of the Bible. The tabernacle built in the post-Exodus wandering, and, later the Temple built on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, were constructed according to the pattern shown to their builders by the Lord God. The earthly versions were genuine and Yahweh was present, but these were temporary and symbolic of a greater and lasting spiritual reality and construct.

The temple and altar of Zeus pictured in the poster represented what was then becoming known as the Third Reich. It is the counterfeit of the “Millennial Reign of Christ” when Y’shua HaMashiach will rule, enthroned as the King of Kings.

Some versions of the temple of Zeus are the:

  • Acropolis, Mount Olympus, Greece- destroyed by the Roman Theodosius II in 426 BC.
  • Pergamon- moved from the ruins of the ancient Greek city’s acropolis in what is now, Bergama, Turkey, to Berlin, beginning in the 1880’s. This is the one referenced in Revelation 2 as the seat of Satan. The Great Altar of Zeus was built by Eumenes II, mentor to Antiochus IV Ephiphanes, the Seleucid king of “antichrist” notariety.
  • Zeppelintribüne, Nuremberg, Germany- declared by the architect Albert Speer to be modeled after the Pergamon altar, for use in Nazi party rallys and large scale pageantry. This version was flanked by a pair of torch cauldrons, which was according to the pattern of the Temple of Zeus on Mount Olympus.
  • DNC stage in Mile High Stadium, Denver, CO - built in 2008 as the stage set for Obama’s acceptance (8/28/08) of the DNC’s nomination for presidency.

I doubt anyone would dispute that the stylized temple of the poster relates to the Pergamon altar of Zeus in Berlin. There is an obvious association of Berlin with Mount Olympus. The ancient temple from the Greek city Pergamon ranks among Germany’s most highly prized cultural acquisitions. The horses on the flanking columns strengthen the association. The other poster from the Berlin Olympics of 1936 picked up the horses and rooftop of the Eastern face (See image on right - “rear side”) of the Pergamon temple. Yet, the stylized version isn’t an exact match. The raised center section suggests the Zeppelintribüne version, which Speer built on a larger scale. Nuremberg’s Zeppelintribüne was in use at the time of the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, but still under construction.

Ok. Now, I’m going to present a series of images. These feature the Altar and Temple of Zeus.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Part 7 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

In the context of the featured “Olympischer Fackellauf” poster, the Olympic rings logo adds the important symbolic element that is the unseen ring. In the last post I wrote that this imagery exposes some profound connections between the antichrists Adolph Hitler and Barack Obama. In a very real sense, Obama has picked up where Hitler left off, as when one receives the flame in the Olympic torch relay. The poster tells the story of how the torch relay is about the dawning of Apollo, which continues to develop what the Olympic Rings logo really means.

When I began this series of posts I showed how the Olympic rings logo is an obfuscated occult pyramid, one whose outline is filled with 5 rings and inverted. This pyramid, as every occult pyramid, signifies the anti-Messianic kingdom of the anti-Messianic Beast. The unseen ring is the capstone of the pyramid, the Beast, with an identity that has persisted through the ages as Apollo, god of Sun, son of Zeus. The unseen ring involves the incarnations of Apollo. Through historical observations and the imagery of this simple poster, two of these incarnations may be identified as “Apollo Hitler” and “Apollo Obama,” inheritors of the spirit of antichrist, bearers of the torch of Olympism.

I’m going to share a little more insight into the poster’s image of the temple. At the bottom of the poster, under the temple is a line, and under the line is a featureless expanse. The line represents the horizon, separating heaven above from earth below. All the features of interest are above the horizon, which tells us we are to see this from the heavenly and supernatural perspective. That which is not heavenly has no interest, it’s featureless. With the altar of Zeus, it’s not until you climb the steps and ascend fully to the level of the altar that you arrive on the plane representing the heavenly. Until then, you are merely traveling the “mecillah” viaduct and stairway to heaven. This heavenly scene’s visual focal point is the light source, the incarnation of Lucifer/Satan/Zeus in Apollo - the unseen Sun ring.

The scene presents us with a natural symmetry, balancing two images of a single temple as when you see a mountain reflected in the still waters of a lake. Do you recall how I folded the Vancouver 2010 poster to expose the green headed Osiris as the capstone on the pyramid rings? Well, if you fold the fackellauf poster on the implied “reflective surface” and hold it up to a window to let the light shine through, this image on the right is what you will see. The two temples are overlaid: They are one. The rings’ height precisely matches the full vertical span of the Heaven and Earth of the temple of Zeus, revealing the Olympic rings logo as symbolic of the union of Heaven and Earth, the heavenly and earthly! Yes, this is yet another witness bringing forth the redundant testimony of the serpent Lucifer’s plan to raise up his offspring through the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men!

The incredible image of the folded fackellauf poster still lacks the capstone, the completing Sun ring. Can we identify it? Anyone who attended one of the massive Nazi Party rallies in Nuremberg or saw one of the images given broad distribution could have done just that with a visual association that seems to me rather obvious! Consider the Zeppelintribüne version of the Temple of Zeus. (from a postcard, 1938)

The sun ring is revealed with the glorious Sun wheel/solar cross in its exalted setting. Here before you is the signification of Apollo, risen to preside over the temple, with a multitude of worshipers prostrate below and the priesthood between them, serving in their intercessory roles. Hitler filled the role of high priest (after the manner of Aaron, not yet Melchizedek, comparing the counterfeit to these patterns of the genuine), filled with the spirit of his god, acting as his anointed servant and mouthpiece. The authority with which he spoke and acted was genuine. He was an incarnation of Apollo god of Sun, son of Zeus - an antichrist.

For nighttime Party Rallies, Albert Speer designed a “Lichtdom,” or Cathedral of Light around the Zeppelinfeld. The beams from 120 Army flak searchlights around the periphery of the field went thousands of feet into the night sky.” (Nürnberg Part 2 - The Nazi Party Rally Grounds) The Sun ring, illuminated, shines brightly! This cathedral of light / temple of Sun god was ringed about with 120 beacons of light radiating into the heavens. Could this signify one for each of the 3x40 years in the life of Moses, perhaps, fulfilling what was necessary to prepare for the dawn of the promised homeland and Third Reich? This may be found to portend the coming anti-Joshua (anti-Y’shua, anti-salvation, antichrist Beast), whom, it appears, Hitler presumed himself to be.

Earlier, in 1935, the Zeppelintribüne had a different set of symbols presented as the unseen ring. The Parteiadler, or Nazi Party eagle, (also found on Hitler’s personal standard) is secretly the esoteric phoenix that rises in endless cycles from its own ashes into a new bodily incarnation. The phoenix, emblem of the Osiris/Horus transformation in regeneration, is seen here bound to the lesser version of the solar cross. By 1938, these had been replaced with the greater version of the Sun disk, ringed about with a wreath of gilded oak leaves like the scaled serpent dragon ouroboros, the being of light that is Lucifer.

The flame lighting and “Olympischer Fackellauf” were instituted in association with the 1936 “Nazi Olympics,” and it was widely recognized that Nazism and Olympism rode upon each others’ backs. Was there some greater anointing upon Hitler during that season, marking a transition in spiritual authority and, perhaps, a change of identity, according to divine appointment?

Here’s another image of note, from Berlin, 1936. The Olympic Stadium, designed by Werner March, remains much as it was in 1936 (on the exterior), although the Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel) symbol has been removed from the right-hand tower” (Berlin — Reichsportsfeld and 1936 Olympics Site) This picture shows the Olympic logo suspended between the two towers and the Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel) symbol that was later removed - because all swastikas had to be removed by decree of law (Strafgesetzbuch § 86a).

It should be noted that any established religious institutions that featured the swastika as native to their religion were exempt from the ruling. The removal of the Sonnenrad from the Olympic Stadium reveals that the temples of Olympism were not granted the same exemption that was given the temples of the Hindu and Jain. Even though Pierre de Coubertin, the founder, had plainly declared that Olympism was indeed a religion (“The first essential characteristic of ancient and of modern Olympism alike is that of being a religion.”) the Olympic Stadium was stripped of its Sonnenrad. This emblem of Apollo had become so closely associated with Hitler and Naziism that it had to go. One of the results of this action has been to secularize the public perception of Olympism, which has continued to this very day. Yet, those who perceive it with eyes that see recognize the temples of Zeus and the hell-bent IOC for what they are, aware that these are destined to birth Apollo anew.

The swastika, ringed about or superimposed on a disk, is a Sonnenrad. Hitler took unto himself the Sonnenrad thereby branding himself as an incarnation of Apollo, the very Sun god honored by Olympism!

While the public display of the swastika has been restricted since WWII, the powerful imagery is so essential to the Satanic family plan that it will persist until Apollo arises and fulfills his destiny. The image seen here on the left is that of the Ananda Marga, a “New Age” religion founded in 1955 - an image that will speak loudly to those of you who have become educated in the arcane symbols of triple-helix ascension and regeneration.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Part 8 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

Note of interest: The post LHC collision Weird-o-Meter registers a blip with a UFO sighted over a nuclear power facility in Cattenon, France. Page 1 / Page 2

The intro for this post is brief. I’m going to assume you’re pretty familiar with the first 7 parts, plus this recent post titled, What does Obama’s logo really mean? In a very real sense, Obama has picked up where Hitler left off. The “Olympischer Fackellauf” poster from 1936 tells this story. What is developed contributes to the understanding of what the Olympic rings logo really means.

During Obama’s presidential campaign he visited Germany. While there, he continued to campaign, and it was considered by some that he was campaigning for the world presidency. He had by that time already chosen to brand himself in the very “Apollo brand” Hitler had chosen before him. While there, he spoke at a rally in Berlin at a location that caused a stir due to the historical symbolism of the site. On his return, he commissioned the building of a version of the altar of Zeus upon which he would accept his date with destiny. That rally has been compared to those Hitler held at the altar of Zeus he had commissioned to be built in Nuremberg.

Officially, of course, Obama and his national socialist party members deny that these connections are meaningful, but the imagery that conceals yet reveals bears witness to the reality that Obama and Hitler are linked. When you study the symbolic elements and interpret them in context, the “Apollo” connection is plain as day. They are both the unseen ring capping the pyramid. It’s the “Apollo” connection that explains what I noted in the previous paragraph. It explains who Obama is and why he does what he does and says what he says. It also explains what is coming. Connect the dots. Read the patterns.

This exhibit is not presented with a political agenda or to serve some cause in a national interest. America is the national Babylon and her destiny as appointed by the sovereign God will be fulfilled. By the way, anyone who might object to my referring to Obama’s political party as the national socialist (aka Nazi) party is simply not being honest or has not been paying attention. Consider and accept what has happened since Obama has been in office to the banking industry, the automobile industry and the “health care” industry.

Since I already introduced the symbolic meaning of Obama’s seal I’d like to share a little more about Hitler’s branding and offer just a few observations in comparison.

Hitler chose to place a black swastika on a white disk, black on white being the most elemental and powerful occult pairing. He was an Austrian-born German who chose Germany’s traditional colors for the Nazi Party flag and his personal brand. “When Hitler created a flag for the Nazi Party, he sought to incorporate both the swastika and “those revered colors expressive of our homage to the glorious past and which once brought so much honor to the German nation.” (Red, white, and black were the colors of the flag of the old German Empire.) (Wikipedia entry for “swastika”) In like manner, Obama (Barry Soetoro) is a foreign-born American who chose the colors of America’s flag for his seal and logo.

Consider these versions of the Apollo capstone ring, no longer unseen.

The swastika on a disk is the ancient solar cross sign of Apollo. Obama’s radiant sun on a disk is an exact equivalent. Similar comparisons can be drawn with the swastika as a symbol of eternity and as “the symbol of the creating, acting life.” (Walther Blachetta: Das Buch der deutschen Sinnzeichen (The book of German sense characters); reprint of 1941; page 47)

I’ve noticed how the runic SS symbol of the feared Schutzstaffel “Shield Squadron” resembles a pair of Zeus thunderbolts and that the swastika resembles a pair of crossed thunderbolts.

Now, the Olympic rings represent the pyramid with an implied sixth “unseen” ring. In part 7, I showed how visually connecting the Nazi Party rally facility (the Zeppelintribüne version of the Temple of Zeus) furnished the ring of the Olympic logo featured on the “Olympischer Fackellauf” poster.

When you consider this image from the national socialist party rally of August 2008 featuring “Apollo Obama” instead of “Apollo Hitler” you realize that some restraint had been exercised in the apparent interest of keeping a degree of “plausible deniability.” I’ve taking the liberty of “photoshopping” the missing elements into Obama’s stadium altar scene.

Here’s an observation that was made about Obama’s rally at the Victory Column. “Here’s a tip for liberals: If your candidate is going to stage enormous rallies in front of tens of thousands of chanting Germans (with monuments to Prussian military might in the background) in the middle of his Presidential campaign, it isn’t the GOP’s fault if the footage comes out looking a little like Hitler at Nuremberg.” (Barack Hitler Obama by Ross Douthat)

I’m certainly not alone in connecting Obama with Hitler. What I’m presenting through the testimony of the occult imagery is that it has a legitimate basis. There has been a supernatural Apollonian transference that involves the spirit of antichrist.

Here’s another widely published observation. When Peggy Noonan, columnist for the Wall Street Journal and former speech writer for Ronald Reagan wrote her view of the DNC event in the Mile High stadium, the blogger at Spocko’s Brain took offense. This blogger understood what was meant when she wrote that the event “has every possibility of looking like a Nuremberg rally.” Peggy connected the dots, as did Rush Limbaugh on his radio show on the same day of the event.

The Nuremberg rally facility’s altar is the Zeppelintribüne that I present with its “cathedral of light” glory effects, which easily compares to the evening rally setting in Denver. By the way, since the architect of the Zeppelintribüne is, of course, no longer available to render his services to the national socialist party, a suitable replacement had to be found. Substitute Britney Spears’ set designer for Albert Speer. Yes, really. (Obama’s Acceptance Stage Built by Britney Spears’ Set Designer)

While some will object to the enhanced image I present I’ve merely provided the “unseen” graphical elements according to the patterns that appear. Remember, Obama’s logo IS the pyramid and the capstone eye of the Apollo brand. Germany had her day, but, as Tom Horn (Apollyon Rising 2012), Chris Pinto and others have documented so thoroughly for our benefit, this IS America’s destiny to fulfill. What happened on the watch day for the sign to the Bride in 2008 should punctuate these statements with a HUGE exclamation point!

What was once Hitler’s is now Obama’s. The Olympic torch has been passed. This photo on the right was taken of the Zeppelintribüne in 1945, shortly before the seal of Apollo was blown back to hell. (US troops detonate Zeppelintribüne swastika) This image of one of the conquering heroes should be recognized as prophetic. The discovery that the new boss is the same as the old boss is a bitter pill to swallow.

Please understand that I don’t intend to offend or hurt anyone who is emotionally invested in what this image represented, because, certainly, many of us are or have recently been. However, the American soldier giving the Sieg Heil “hail victory” salute must be recognized as a prophetic view of serving the present Commander-in-Chief of the combined armed forces of the U.S.A. Swap the old boss’ Apollo Sonnenrad for the new.

Of course the “hail victory” salute is no longer acceptable. The proper response is now “Yes We Can.” Think about it. (This is the slogan that, when heard in that context, renders “Thank you Satan” when recorded and played backwards!)

Yes, this may a painful revelation, but the validity of these observations should be sinking in. The testimony of the imagery does not lie. Call on the Lord Y’shua for strength and wisdom to love only the Truth. This insight is for your healing. Some things we have clung to must be let go. These are idols. Our kingdom is not of this world.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Part 9 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

In this post I’ll be presenting even more validating imagery connecting “Apollo Obama” and “Apollo Hitler,” some of it not at all subtle, even that which is sourced from the official Web site, (found on 3/29/2010). You see, what has been signaled continues to be signaled in plain sight. Satan’s stealth plan isn’t undetectable, it only “flies under the radar” of those who can’t or won’t read the signals. The plan must be signaled. The plan must fly!

The podium built for Herr Obama’s national socialist party rally where he accepted the party’s nomination for presidency was designed so that it could appear rising from out of the floor. Imagine, if you will, a scene where Obama appears before the worshiping throng, rising from the earthly plane into the heavenly plane like the Sun itself rising up over the horizon. Ahhhhhhh—-Uhhhhhhhhh - Nope. Way too obvious. How about this scene instead. Obama will stride out to the podium, but the podium with a glorious rising Sun sonnenrad will appear, itself rising from the earthly plane… No. Scratch that. Still too obvious. Somebody had to make the tough call to settle for something more subtle. Obama walked out to a podium that was stark, stripped of adornment altogether. Since there were so many of the brand’s sonnenrads flitting and fluttering around the stadium that night, the desired effect was nevertheless apparent from many vantage points.

Is it fitting that the Obama seal should be found on the front of his podium? Sure! Here’s an official image found on Of course, I’m not concerned about crossing that line that makes the similarities between Apollo Obama’s and Apollo Hitler’s Zeppelintribünes too easily perceived. Quite the contrary! So, I took the liberty of “photoshopping” his sonnenrad on the face of the podium. It’s a fitting complement to Hitler’s, don’t you agree?

Here’s a composite for you to consider. The upper was sourced from and the lower from a postcard image of a party rally circa 1940. What do you think might be signaled here?

I see the Lichtdom (cathedral of light) in full glory at the Zeppelinfeld in Nuremberg. The version of the Zeppelintribüne features the exaltation of the updated sonnenrad. “YES WE CAN BE PART OF HISTORY” Right. Indeed. We get it. These cues easily validate photoshopping Apollo’s capstone ring into position.

Furnishing the identity of the unseen ring of the “Olympischer Fackellauf” poster had been left by its designers for the observer to make through visual association. Ditto the unseen rings of the ritual magic ceremonial rally honoring the one who began to take up the Olympic torch in 2008.

Oh, but wait - there’s more! Ritual magic really is in play here. Those who practice it go to great lengths to “get it right” because their boss cruelly demands it of them! Proper signals must abound.

Before I launch into the next damning set of images (next post, Lord willing) I want to state once again that Obama is not yet the final incarnation of Apollo. He has taken up where Hitler left off but another will arise, who once was and yet will be, the ultimate incarnation of the antichrist son of Zeus/Satan. I also want to take this opportunity set before you an important reminder and another element of note that relates to the Lichtdom imagery.

12) And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: The One who has the sharp two-edged sword says this:
13) ‘I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is; and you hold fast My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.

Revelation 2:12-13

This passage famously references the Altar of Zeus from the Pergamon acropolis. Removed to Berlin many years ago, the seat of Satan and its notable models are attended to by the patron deity because worship is involved. What I’m saying, to be very clear, is that the adoration given Obama is Satanic worship. I have no interest in appearing to be politically correct. My views are not “sour grapes” Republicanism, Libertarianism or racism. My “isms” are those of the Author of such as Romans 13. Hitler had supernatural authority and Obama now operates in this same realm.

Concerning the “YES WE CAN - BE PART OF HISTORY” phrase previously seen as lifted from the official “Health Reform” context, when Obama’s modern vocal-only interactive version of the Sieg Heil is heard played backwards, “Yes we can” becomes what many of us hear as “Thank you Satan.” If all I’m presenting to you as Obama’s signaling of Apollyonic imagery can be dismissed, then dismiss this fact too. Otherwise, hear it as yet another validating witness. It comes from a mechanism that does not misrepresent what goes on inside.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Part 10 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

In this post, I’ll once again be presenting imagery connecting “Apollo Obama” and “Apollo Hitler.” These are two of the identities of the unseen sixth ring of the logo pyramid. The connections between Obama, Hitler and the temples of Zeus should be recognized so we can interpret what is being signaled. Then we really understand what the Olympic logo means: The Beast and the mark of the Beast are coming - and soon!

The rally facility where Obama accepted the party’s nomination for presidency compares to the rally facility used by the Nazi party. Both are temples of Zeus where this ancient god and his son Apollo receive honor and worship. The altar of Zeus in Pergamon that was declared in Revelation 2:13 to be the seat of Satan was moved to Berlin, Germany. That altar was openly claimed to be the model for the version built for Nazi rallies in Nuremberg. The version built for the DNC rally in August 2008 was modeled after both. Symbolic imagery in use by Obama and his brand consultants continues to promote the Apollo brand. As Hitler did, so Obama does.

I’ve already presented imagery connecting Obama’s stage set with the Nuremberg Zeppelintribüne. I’ve also presented the “health reform” homage to the Lichtdom (cathedral of light) in Nuremberg. The Obama temple has another point of connection directly to the altar of Zeus. A horse named Thunder.

I had been thinking about the DNC temple and the temple of Zeus it modeled. I was thinking, too, about the Olympischer Fackellauf poster, and had begun to feel something seemed missing from Denver’s scene. It struck me (Thanks Lord!) that the horses were missing, and just then it came to me that, no, they weren’t! The facility is home to the Denver Broncos football franchise, whose mascot is a horse! Sports facilities always feature their branding, with their stylized mascot images appearing on the fields themselves in the end zones and sometimes in center field. Denver’s does, and in a photo I came upon while searching the Web I discovered something almost shockingly obvious!

The facility features the prancing horse of the Bronco franchise perched atop the entrance gate. With the addition of the horse to the other elements associating the rally facility with the Zeppelin-tribüne and altar of Zeus from Pergamon, can a denial of such connections still be considered plausible?

By the way, the live mascot is named Thunder. The original gray Arabian stallion died in April 2009. The Arabian gelding that replaced Thunder is called Thunder II, but the gelding’s real name is Winter Solstice, a fitting Pagan appellation. Why is this significant? The thunderbolt is the symbol of Zeus! As his weaponry, it represents his strength, as a horse traditionally represents the strength of an army. Such observations would be labeled synchronicity by some, but the better explanation attributes them to orchestration by the the unseen agents of design and influence that have been at work for a very long time!

Here’s more. The rally facility in Denver was officially named “Invesco Field at Mile High,” honoring both its corporate sponsor and the facility it replaced, “Mile High Stadium.” The rally facility in Nuremberg honored Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin for his contributions in the naming of Zeppelinfeld and Zeppelintribüne, which name brings to most minds the imagery of a large airship. Dot 1: Mile High. Dot 2: A large airship. Connect the dots. By the way, what is usually only seen in the context of flying “a mile high” over stadium facilities? DOT! BIG DOT!

I have noted (Olympic Ceremony Signs series) how crowning Obama as the victor who won the party nomination by defeating his opponent, Hillary Clinton, compares to the crowning of a victor in the Olympic games. Dot 1: The victor crowned in a stadium at “Mile High.” Dot 2: The victor crowned in a stadium at the high elevation of Mount Olympus to honor the resident gods. Connect the dots. Obama and the DNC, like Hitler and the Nazi party before them, are about the honoring and worship of Zeus and his son Apollo.

Remember these dots? Dot one: The rally facility in Denver was the work of Britney Spears’ set designer. Dot 2: The rally facility in Nuremberg was designed by Albert Speer.

I had made the initial connection between the Olympics and the DNC rally due to revelation insight I had received (Olympic Ceremony Symbolism - Part Four) about the viaduct construct bridging heaven and earth (called the mecillah in Hebrew). Dot 1: The unique blue staircase, from the top of which Obama gave oratory acknowledging his victory. Dot 2: The unique stairway to heaven modeled by the Londoners, by which the recipient of the prized dragon seed ascended into the heavenly throne.

The “stairway to heaven” modeled during the closing ceremonies of the Olympic games in Beijing was used as a segue into the featured performance of a song that kind of brings us full circle in the dot connecting here. Just like how the Obama rally branding specialists leveraged the Pop culture familiarity with Britney Spears in their effort to saturate the event with appropriate signals, the Olympics branding specialists leveraged the Pop culture familiarity with Jimmy Page (famous practitioner of Crowley’s black magick). The song “Whole Lotta Love” that was given the obscure but highly dramatic “Stairway to Heaven” intro was made famous by the band “Led Zeppelin.” For many of us, we still remember the album cover art for the song “Whole Lotta Love.” It featured the most popular Zeppelin imagery ever, that of 1937’s fiery crash of the Hindenburg.

What I see are two Zeppelin connections made through the “Mile High” stadium set. One links back to the Zeppelinfeld and Zeppelintribüne, the other links back to the band Led Zeppelin and the Zeppelin Hindenburg referenced during the London ceremonies. These are both very easily identified as facilities that honor Zeus.

By the way, if someone were to compare the two famous “crash and burn” scenarios in view it wouldn’t really seem like too much of a stretch. Like I pointed out in the series about the London Ceremony, this does signify the promised end for the Beast, the False Prophet and those who take the cursed mark.

One wonders just how deep and wide this signaling really goes. Sometimes it seems really quite over the top! Why does the Lord continue to reveal more and more and then even more? Could it really be so important for us to be able to read and understand the signals? Yes. It’s not for our entertainment or the tickling of our ears that the many layers of symbolic imagery we see in the likes of the Obama rally and the Olympischer Fackellauf poster are being exposed. See Obama not as some evil politician but as the antichrist Apollo agent appointed for this season’s work, ordained and anointed. See him as the one who prepares diligently at an incredibly fast pace for the next incarnation of Apollo. See Olympism as the vehicle appointed to support this movement. Mystery Babylon is in our midst.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Part 11 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

In this post, I’m presenting yet even more imagery connecting “Apollo Obama” and “Apollo Hitler,” two of the identities of the unseen sixth ring of the Olympic rings logo pyramid. Where the other images I’ve presented featured the Beast, these feature his mark, signaling the agenda behind the “health reform” bill recently passed into law. The imagery will be readily identified by some who follow this blog as a triple-helix DNA symbol due to the three “angel” stars and double helix serpents wrapped around a central “angel” strand. If you’re new to the blog - welcome! What I write here will probably make better sense if you are familiar with the past 4 months of postings.

Peeling back the layers of this richly appointed occult image establishes links to the SS-Totenkopfverbände (Death’s-Head Units - responsible for administering the Nazi concentration camps for the Third Reich) and to the associated work of such as Josef Mengele (the death angel), who took every advantage of the available opportunities to learn about the gene pool and the life of men. Tracking the post-war careers and associations of Mengele and his fellow “health care professionals” is most revealing!

Last summer, seeking to advance the health care agendas, the Obama branding agents concocted some peculiar imagery that didn’t “fly under the radar” for very long. August 6, 2009 found articles like the following comparing the new health care logo to the Nazi Reichsadler symbol.

The similarity isn’t hard to see. Following on the heels of what has been presented in the last several posts, it’s yet one more visual association in a series that brings even stronger validation for connecting one Apollo sonnenrad with the other.

Now, for those who are interested in fueling political controversy, bringing attention to the similarity between the health care logo and the Reichsadler is sufficient, however, that’s not my interest. My interest is in what the Lord is revealing to us about the signaling being done from the enemy’s camp. The images being presented in the context of health care reform are layered with detail, revealing that far more is being signaled than a vague connection between the Democrats and Nazis.

Let’s begin to peel back some layers of symbolism in the occult imagery of the Reichsadler-like symbol and its context.
First, let’s consider what is meant by the caduceus symbol.

The Obama version of what is obviously intended to represent a caduceus is a very interesting stylized version. Let’s first consider the basic issue of what it means that a caduceus should be presented in this particular context.

If the general intent of the arts practiced were to heal and one desired to honor the gods, the Rod of Asclepius would be the insignia of choice, something akin to the logo of the American Medical Association. The caduceus, although similar in appearance to the Rod of Asclepius and also seen in the context of medical care, is really something entirely different in meaning. The caduceus is the wand of Hermes, god of theft, deception and death, the god of eloquence and messengers, god of the high-road and the market-place. Search it out for yourself so you see this distinction between the symbols clearly.

If you have followed this blog series there should be no question in your mind as to whether or not the agencies behind Obama’s branding know their business. The gods themselves are personally involved, and they are not in the least bit confused about how to present what they mean! The symbolism of the caduceus attached to Obama’s seal is immediately a warning flag. Even if we were to ignore the similarity to Nazi symbols, this imagery alone alerts us to a dark agenda behind the health care reform effort it represents!

What I want to share about the larger context of the ObamaCare imagery that features Hermes and his herald’s wand is almost incredible because of how it presents the plan to ascend man through the triple-helix serpent deification, and it will take a while. So, I’ll be returning to that, Lord willing. In the interest of staying somewhat on-topic (the meaning of the Olympic rings logo and identifying the unseen ring) I’d like to expose the connections to the SS-Totenkopfverbände and Josef Mengele in this post that the ObamaCare brand professionals painstakingly conceal and the Lord generously reveals.

The paired serpents of the stylized caduceus suggest this slightly enhanced version where I have superimposed a skull. Once you see this image, it’s hard to picture the ObamaCare version otherwise. The skull is most commonly a symbol of death, which is a fit association with the wand of Hermes, the god who escorts the dead on their way to the afterlife, the Underworld. The skull further represents the Beast as the head of the hidden man, underscoring a key biblical perspective of this evil work.

The similarity of the caduceus piercing the Obama seal image with the Nazi Reichsadler has been widely recognized, but I see it pointing more particularly to the SS-formation Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (“LSSAH”), and even more particularly to the Waffen SS, the SS-Totenkopfverbände, and most particularly, Josef Mengele, the Nazi “death angel” who infamously “escorted” many to the afterlife. Pray about the images you see and seek the Lord’s insight into what they mean.

The Reichsadler (Eagle of the Empire) looks to its right shoulder and the related Parteiadler (Nazi Party eagle) looks to its left shoulder. The “head” of the winged figure on the stylized wand of Hermes looks to neither side, more closely resembling a variant of the wand of Hitler, officially, the FührerstandarteWAND of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (“LSSAH”). The head is lower set, and the wings, too, are more rounded. This is the wand Josef Mengele was associated with for most of his engagement with the Nazis.

The SS had another symbol called the Totenkopf. The sinister looking skull I superimposed on the ObamaCare version alludes to the Totenkopf, identified with the Waffen-SS and most particularly with the SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV), the Death’s-Head Units responsible for administering the Nazi concentration camps for the Third Reich.

The LSSAH was Adolf Hitler’s personal Bodyguard Regiment, amalgamated into the Waffen-SS with the combat units of the SS-TV. The elite division was found guilty of war crimes in the Nuremberg Trials. The SS-Totenkopfverbände was responsible for implementing much of the “Final Solution” that was commissioned at the secretive Wannsee Conference outside Berlin in January of 1942. The three men most accountable are Adolf Eichmans, Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Himmler, but the man given the ObamaCare tribute is one who got much of the literal blood on his hands.

While there was a focus on depopulation in the Nazi Aktion T4 and “Final Solution” programs, the underlying agenda involved genetics. If you understand about Cain’s paternity and what happened in the Garden of Eden with the serpent tree and the serpent’s plan to cut off the Lord God’s good tree Adamic heritage and graft those who can be grafted into his own bad tree - you know where this was heading! This “grafting” was Mengele’s special interest, and why he is the featured Nazi in the ObamaCare brand association.

When the “Final Solution” commission was given to the SS in January 1942, Josef Mengele was serving with the SS Viking Division deep behind Soviet lines. He was wounded and subsequently given medals for heroism. Unable to return to combat duty, he was posted at the Race and Resettlement Office in Berlin. This was a very key turn of events, for it was at this time that he resumed an association with Othmar von Verschuer. In 1935, Mengele had earned a Ph.D in anthropology from the University of Munich. In January 1937, he became the assistant to Professor Othmar von Verschuerat the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt. Mengele’s mentor, Dr. von Verschuerat, was made director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Dahlem, Berlin in 1942. Mengele’s first project with the Institute was an investigation into how specific proteins can help identify racial origin. (Skeletons in the Closet of German Science)

In April 1943, Mengele was promoted to the rank of SS captain (SS-Hauptsturmführer) in the SS-Totenkopfverbände. In May 1943, he replaced a doctor who had fallen ill at Birkenau. On May 24, 1943, he became the medical officer of Auschwitz-Birkenau’s “Gypsy camp,” a position that afforded him maximum freedom and the opportunity to “experiment” without restraint. Mengele availed himself of these opportunities and leveraged his relationship with von Verschuer and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in the pursuit of his interests in heredity and the quest to understand the secrets of the life of man. He was particularly interested in identical twins, though I suspect the twins Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael and Jacob and Esau would have been primary targets of his efforts if their DNA could have been successfully retrieved in the intensive Nazi archaeological expeditions of the time.

It is in this season of service that he is pictured in this image on the right. Mengele wears the Waffen SS hat, on which are seen the Parteiadler (eagle) and Totenkopf (skull) symbols, with a braid of apparent higher office. On the right collar, which we can’t see in the image, would likely be another Totenkopf insignia. On the left is his rank insignia, three pips, or, stars (Collins English Dictionary), with two silver bars.

We see in the ObamaCare brand the Waffen SS hat with its arch, upon which is the Parteiadler-esque emblem. See also the Totenkopf skull of hat and collar. In the three stars we see the pips of the rank of Hauptsturmführer represented on Mengele’s collar. Mengele is known as the “Angel of Death” and “the White Angel”, and this is what we see in the superimposed skull on the winged wand of Hermes, god of death and escort to the Underworld afterlife. Pictured behind the transformed Obama seal’s deified Adamic stripes are the ghostly images of many people, recalling the multitude slain under the health professional Mengele’s care, sacrificed to honor the gods.

Does this suggest that Americans like you and I are targeted for a similar fate under the auspices of ObamaCare health reform? Is there a depopulation agenda like unto Aktion T4 and the “Final Solution” at hand? Are we targeted for a fourth Reich Übermensch transformation? Since when exactly did “Health Care Reform” mutate into “Health Reform”? Hmmmmmm. Given what has been signaled so clearly by corporate entities like NCR, we know the mark will be introduced in the context of the medical centers and administered through health care professionals. Take the ObamaCare imagery as another clue.

The Zeusmobile is parked out back. Apollo Obama is manning the switchboard getting ready to dispatch the fleet. Heads up! To be continued, Lord willing!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Part 12 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

To understand the Olympic rings logo is to see it as a fit symbol for the goals and objectives of the promoters of Olympism. This includes the IOC, certainly, but also everyone who is not committed to serving the One true God with their life, who have truly taken up their cross and died to self. There is the Body and Bride of Christ, HaMashiach. In contrast, there is that of antichrist. The images presented and comparisons made in this blog speak to this reality. The conclusions you draw from this really matter to you, personally, and, corporately, to the Body, including the Head! I pray this is bearing witness to what the spirit of holiness is working in your life today.

While some dismiss Obama as a passing phenomenon of empty hubris, arrogance and ego, those of us who understand what the symbolic imagery means realize that he’s merely aware of his exalted position. As the hidden ring of Olympism, he recognizes his role as the current capstone of the pyramid. We have learned how this identity must be signaled according to the way of the occult, just as it was with Hitler, and so we watch and consider deeply what is signaled to learn what the Lord who reveals would have us to know. Obama is keeping an appointment that is ultimately intended to fulfill America’s destiny.

The changing versions of his logo and the ways it’s being leveraged in the imagery promoting his programs suggest these are something of a “progress bar” indicator, like you see when you transfer files on your computer. For example, let’s compare the official imagery promoting the “Health Reform” agenda to the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill.

See how the busy ornamentation and scrolling banner motifs from the Federal Reserve note are picked up and used to cradle the illuminating pyramid of Obama’s seal? The pyramids on both are in their appropriate settings. This official image features a version of Obama’s seal that has an added ring of darker blue and a subtle reflective highlight that enhances the appearance as an eye. The glow of the pupil is also enhanced, signaling that this glowing eye-lamp is fulfilling what is represented in the capstone of the Federal Reserve pyramid. (Luke 11:34: “The eye is the lamp of your body…”) As I’ve stated in the past, Obama is not the final incarnation of Apollo.

A greater light actually lights the scene, streaming from behind the Obama ring and gemstone-like or trophy plate setting. By tracing down the rays to locate the position of the unseen light source we discover that, whatever it is, has not yet breached the horizon. It is coming but is not yet birthed.

The bold statement “YES WE CAN” shouts rebellion in the sovereign God’s face, who has made it very clear that declaring what things will be is His own business. The reverse speech of that expression in that context presents a distinct “thank you Satan” to the hearer, expressing gratitude to whom it is due for the “Health Reform” action that brings the dawning of the greater light.

Like a progress indicator bar, the Apollo Obama brand agents are signaling our current status, that the coming greater incarnation of Apollo is being “uploaded” now, facilitated by the success of the “Health Reform” effort!

“Health Reform” is not the same as “Health Care Reform.” Make no mistake, if the word “Care” was intended to appear, it would. We know the sales and marketing of the deal leads everyone to casually think “Health Care Reform.” If anyone even noticed the omission of the word “Care,” they would likely dismiss it, thinking, “Health Reform, Health Care Reform, same difference - whatever.” The occult imagery reveals, however, that the agenda here is, quite frankly, to transform you into a Beast worshiping beast or kill you. This is Health Reform! They are simply stating what they mean, in plain language, in plain sight! Two words basically define health; wholeness and holiness. To reform is simply to form again, to remake in another form. Over and over and over and over again in this blog you have read how a triple helix transformation is planned to remake the man created in the image of His Creator into the serpent’s own image. This is Health Reform. Health Care Reform is just a pretext.

Apollo Obama, the exalted hidden ring of the present day is a forerunner, an “Olympischer Fackellauf” torch bearer in the relay. He is successfully running his leg of the relay, holding the torch high whose flame and projecting dark light holds the rapt attention of all under its seductive spell. Another, still out of sight, awaits the appointed day.

I learned today (Thanks Gwen!) another feature of the Vancouver Olympics poster. As with the logos of the bracketing Olympics, the word ZION can be assembled from the pieces of the Vancouver 2010 image.

This Zion is their reference to the “New Jerusalem” that is the assembled head and body, the Beast-capped pyramid, which is identified for us by the properly folded poster itself. This is the pyramid on the dollar bill over which Obama’s coming replacement will truly reign in dark glory for a season.

What I intend to present in the next few posts will expose how the hidden ring as been known to be the key long before the rings logo came to the minds of de Coubertin or Jung.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Part 13 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

from April 6, 2010

When the testimony of the man behind the Olympic rings logo, Baron de Coubertin, is taken into consideration alongside the symbolic imagery associated with decades of historical events where the logo has been embedded, the logo’s meaning is not hard to discover. The logo pictures the same evil serpent scheme that has been in play for as long as man has existed, first evidenced while yet in the Garden of Eden. Recent posts in this series have focused on the unseen ring, the sixth that, added to the five, completes the pyramid referred to as Zion. Because of how important the unseen ring is to the plan and how both Hitler and Obama in their appointed seasons have, by much effort, made the Apollo ring their own, we should consider, at some point, whether the unseen ring might be more than the relatively recent invention of de Coubertin. (Spoiler alert - It IS!)

Once I had begun to recognize and refer in this blog to the “unseen” ring, it wasn’t long before the Lord brought to my mind the following, which began the unfolding insight.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them

You may recognize these lines of prose, coming from the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy of fantasy literature penned by J.R.R. Tolkien. When this came to mind I immediately saw how perfectly they describe the role of the unseen ring of the Olympic rings!

In this fictional story, these lines are inscribed on the One Ring, a magical ring that, among other things, renders the wearer invisible. When someone puts on the ring, both the ring and its wearer become “unseen.” This unseen ring is the artifact of a previous age, when its maker forged it magically in the fires of “hell,” investing it with his own life, binding to it his identity and his very destiny. Are you seeing the Apollo, son of Zeus/Satan connection? If you’re not, reading or rereading the last four months of blog posts might help.

This unseen ring’s purpose mirrors the agenda of the pyramid capstone ring of the Olympic rings logo, whose five rings represent the people of the world.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them

This finding, bringing, binding and ruling is what Hitler did, Obama does and the coming incarnation of Apollo will do to fulfill its destiny, manifesting as the Beast of the book of Revelation. The darkness is what “light” (Luke 11:34) is given off by the flame of the Olympic cauldrons and torches, manifesting through ritual magic, casting its demonic rays upon spell-bound subjects. It is the antichrist delusion that overspreads the Earth.

In the trilogy and in the popular Peter Jackson movie franchise that brought the dynamic visual imagery into today’s pop culture, the Eye of Sauron kept watch over Middle-earth from its highest tower, the “Dark Tower,” the Barad-dûr. Consider these images of the Eye of Sauron, a gateway construct that is magically linked to the One Ring.

The top image is the eye as it appears in the movies while the other two were found in a scan of the Web, “photoshopped” by some who evidently perceived a likeness between the two eyes and their owners. I like the middle one in particular.

The positiveID (implantable microchip “mark of the Beast” technologies) corporate logo you see on the right has been modified by simply inverting the colors from positive to negative. Compare the letter “o” to the Eye of Sauron and the ID tag to Obama’s “pyramid at sunrise” ID. The folks responsible for these designs lift them from the same page of Satan’s portfolio!

The image on the left is the Eye of Sauron atop the Barad-dûr. The inset shows the original eye, surrounded by a fiery ring. In the other version I photoshopped a subtle image of Obama’s glowing all-seeing eye atop the tower, which appears in this larger context as * SHOCK * the eye atop the pyramid.

The two components are one with the entity whose life and destiny are bound to it. The Eye of Sauron and the One Ring ARE the unseen ring.

Surprised? I didn’t think so. Why not? Redundancy is critical. We’ve seen this before, over and again! The message must be signaled! The Beast and the mark of the Beast are coming! The signaling facilitates the plan, and the Lord Y’shua’s grant of favor in revealing it to us now comes to those of us who watch as a warning to continue preparing ourselves, learning to subject ourselves in obedience, the sacrifice of love. We are loved!

The triple helix DNA signaling comes encoded within the prose that was magically inscribed upon the ring. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. Three times the words “One Ring” appear. This could be considered as an unholy trinity substituted for the counterparts, but yet it must also be the signaling of the genetic key to the binding. The message of the three strand DNA reverberates through the symbols from ages past to the present day, heralding the means of binding the men of the earth together and giving them the continuity pictured in the ouroboros ring, the serpent life from old.

Because of how important the unseen ring is to the plan, is this esoteric unseen ring more than the relatively recent invention of de Coubertin? Since “The Lord of the Rings” was written in stages between 1937 and 1949, much of it during World War II, de Coubertin certainly didn’t get the idea from Tolkien. Did Tolkien get the idea from the Olympic rings logo? I’ll explore the derivation and history further in the next post, Lord willing! Think Hitler, Wagner, Odin…

Monday, April 12, 2010

Part 14 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?

The Olympic rings logo was designed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1912. His own explanation of its meaning is helpful, which suggests the greater truth we have come to recognize in this blog series. Where did he get the idea about the rings, and especially the unseen sixth ring that completes the pyramid temple? The bottom line: He got it from Lucifer, Satan, Zeus, through what are called familiar spirits. He was led in his effort to graphically represent what was in his heart and mind to make what is called in the Bible an idol, a religious object whose form was directed by the one being worshiped.

4) You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
5) You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,
6) but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Exodus 20:4

The five interlocking rings of the Olympic logo is a likeness of the inhabitants of the world as one, who are in the earth beneath the heaven. Potential instances of the implied ring that is visually and magically required to complete the pyramid may only ever be a likeness of the Sun, in heaven above. Baron de Coubertin testified that Olympism is a religion that honors Zeus and his son, god of Sun, Apollo. Any honest student of the truth can discover how Olympism is all about the worship of the gods identified as the biblical Satan, with the demonic hoard of fallen angels that includes Watchers and Nephilim spawn - in the modern era as well as in the ancient.

The representation of Olympism that is the Olympic rings logo is but an idol, according to Exodus 20. Where did de Coubertin get the logo? He sought and received inspiration from Zeus, the same way as everyone else who rebels against the one true God.

The Bible reveals how the Sun is itself a symbol of the only begotten son of the one true God, Yahweh, who is the Bridegroom and Mashiach, Y’shua. As the Sun rules the physical heavens and Earth from our perspective on Earth, the One it symbolizes truly rules Heaven and Earth on every level. The Sun must therefore be considered as a ruler among symbols.

10) so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11) and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father

Philippians 2:10-11

1) For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the LORD of hosts, “so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.”
2) But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.
3) You will tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day which I am preparing,” says the LORD of hosts

Malachi 4:1-3

The making of a symbol to represent the Sun, which Yahweh made and is itself a symbol, is to disobey His commandment and make an idol. The agency that inspires men to rebel against their creator is that original rebel, Lucifer!

Consider the following quote.

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins-or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.” – Saul Alinsky - “Rules For Radicals”

When Obama, a renowned Alinsky disciple (like Hillary Clinton), branded himself, he laid claim to a new version of the classic Sun image and kingdom pyramid. Alinsky’s nod to Lucifer, who “won his own kingdom,” reveals how Obama, chief among his radical disciples, has “won” his own, by following that same way of rebellion against the sovereign God. (Yes we can = Thank you Satan) Obama’s sonnenrad logo is an instance of rebellion against the second commandment and a sign of rebellion against the God who gave it. It is a sign of committed service to Lucifer, the honor and worship of that same Zeus of the mythology Alinsky presented as blurred with history, knowing how his own god was the very god of mythological legend.

The logo of de Coubertin and Carl Jung was forged in that same fire, so to speak, and Hitler’s, too (with the swastika sonnenrad brought once again to the world’s attention in South Africa’s racially inspired conflict). Each has “won a kingdom,” have they not? Tolkein, too, has “won a kingdom,” who took that imagery of the unseen ring that was forged in a cursed fire and, from the legends of the mythic Nordic gods, spun it into a pop culture phenomenon. “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.I expect to have more to write on this matter of the unseen ring.

In a public forum discussing the Olympics in terms of good and bad, some will profess to dismiss the “negative” and focus instead on the “positive” aspects, like sport. Don’t be fooled, changing focus changes neither the idol nor the consequences of idolatry. Those who worship at the altar of Zeus that is Olympism also idolize the athletes and especially the victors in the games. Remember the roles of the soccer ball and of David Beckham during the London ceremonies in Beijing? (See Olympic Ceremony Symbolism - Part Two and Three) Consider the Lord’s perspective in such a matter.

10) He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.
11) The LORD favors those who fear Him,
Those who wait for His lovingkindness.

Psalm 147:10-11

With this in mind, looking even beyond the context of Olympism to the extended exaltation of sport itself in our day, we see it elevated in the lives of many to become the sincere worship as of a class of demigods. From among the demigods, claims to glorify God through athletic achievement are not uncommon, but could one who “does not take pleasure in the legs of a man” be glorified in such a way? Honestly, no, but there is a god who receives glory thereby; the god of Olympism, who is honored in every act of rebellion against the true God!

During the Vancouver Olympics I watched a few hours on TV. What I saw primarily focused on the life of one athlete in particular, who ended up doing rather well. By the time the games had concluded, this star had become the most decorated U.S. Winter Olympian in history. Here’s a picture of the celebrated seven-time Olympic medalist Apolo Ohno. For those of us who watch for signs, this is one. Apollo? Oh No! Not the poster boy of Berlin 1936! Well, yes. Synchronicity? No, a sign!

Which god or God do you glorify? Are you flying a branded flag or banner? To what or whom do you pledge allegiance? To what do you kneel or worship before? A symbol? Some graven image or likeness presented on a pole, behind an altar or upon a high tower? Repent of idolatry. Flee from it! Worship neither a symbol of the Sun, nor the Sun, but the Son Himself, the true Light and Living Way! Honor the Lord who favors those who fear Him and who wait for His lovingkindness!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Part 15 - What does the Olympic Rings logo really mean?
The Olympic rings logo testifies of the persistent worship of Satan as Zeus and of his son, Apollo. In this, those who understand the way of historical patterns can, in the present time, see what will be from what has already happened in the past.
That which has been is that which will be,
And that which has been done is that which will be done.
So there is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

The repeating patterns of history can expose important lessons to attentive students as led by the Lord. A key event that will happen in days soon to come is popularly referred to as the abomination of desolation.

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Matthew 24:15

See also Mark 13:14, Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 and 2 Maccabees 6. The events of 167 BC that resulted in the institution of the festival of Hanukkah are related to that infamous abomination. They involved the worship of Zeus and a ruler of the Seleucid Empire known as Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Not long ago it would have seemed silly to suggest that the worship of Zeus might be involved in a key fulfillment of biblical prophecy appointed for the near future. Today, however, considering the rise of Olympism, what Tom Horn and Chris Pinto and others have exposed about the history of America, the Apollo branded Hitler and Obama phenomena and the renewal of Zeus worship in Greece at the ancient sites, it seems rather obvious that the man of lawlessness will be and do as Antiochus IV Epiphanes before him. The Beast will be identified as the son of Zeus, Apollo. “That which has been is that which will be.”

On a coin from that era (see image on right), a likeness of
Antiochus IV Epiphanes appears on the front with Apollo on the reverse. Here is a foreshadowing type in what is two sides of the same coin, literally. Apollo Hitler - one coin. Apollo Obama - one coin. Ditto the one who was and will be.

In a
previous post I made the following comment. “We have to ask whether Baron Pierre de Coubertin’s vision is quietly fulfilling Bible prophecy while everyone’s attention is turned elsewhere.” The answer to that is becoming apparent. While many look now to Islam, or the antichrist features of Roman Catholicism, pagan New Age or Eastern religions, it should be blatantly obvious that there can never be a legitimate melding of all religious people into one of these forms. Could the ancient worship of Zeus that is now being revived be the form of what is to be required? I propose that something rather more like Olympism is far more likely.

In Greece, home of Mt. Olympus and the famous Acropolis above the city of Athens, the worship of Zeus had been officially outlawed since the fourth century AD, due to the influence of popular Christianity (and the decree of Roman Emperor Theodosius). As recently as 2003, some who worshiped the gods of the Acropolis
were chased off the premises of the Temple of Hephaestus, just below the Acropolis. An official recognition by the courts was made in 2006 leading to the officially authorized restoration of worship in 2007, at some sites. In January of 2008, a second century temple of Zeus in Athens was used to stage the first ceremony of its kind in the modern era .In August of 2008, exactly one week after the close of the Summer Olympics in Beijing, the Acropolis itself was the site of worship of the ancient gods. The group Ellinais, in their persistent drive to reestablish the worship of the 12 gods of Olympus achieved a milestone success. On the Acropolis, about 200 gathered and prayed and sang hymns to the goddess Athena. While I see this as significant, the scale cannot compare to the multiplied millions who have been rallied to the altars of Olympism.

Tony Blair, during his launch of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation in 2008 made the following statement: “We do not want to engage in a doctrinal inquiry. We do not want to subsume different faiths in some universal faith of the lowest common denominator. We want to show faith in action. We want to produce greater understanding between faiths through encounter. We want people of one faith to be comfortable with those of another because they know what the other truly believes, not what they thought they might believe.” What we “truly believe” is continually being molded by Satan’s branding agencies and few are able to resist the powerful influence. Tony, with much help, is expanding operations in the US this year. The model he expressed is how Olympism has come to bring those professing followers of many diverse facets of Babylon together. He gets it, like de Coubertin got it, and others like them including Nicolas Roerich, with his work in the East. This is how the Tower of Babel was built under Nimrod’s leadership, is it not?

Whether one’s god is referred to as the Great Architect of the Universe, Allah, Buddha Maitreya, Osiris, Gaia, Baal, Thor, Athena, G-d, Jehovah, Jesus, or Master Jesus, the coming son of Zeus will be received as The One by all but the elect of God. Satan has no problem being worshiped under many names. When the Beast arrives on the scene, Apollo incarnate will have a face and a name, and worship will be received.

Have you considered how much has to change before the world will look like the last day Babylon when the Beast makes his bold and dramatic appearance on the scene and receives the worship of the inhabitants of the earth? If you perceive in the Olympic rings logo and global acceptance of the Olympic games some momentum towards that end, as I definitely do, you know very little has to change. The time is near at hand my friend. If there are important things you have left undone, the window of opportunity for doing such things is shrinking fast.

I pray you will seek the Lord’s mind and heart about what He desires of you and for you in this hour. If you have perceived an urgency in what has been a rather overwhelming outpouring of insight in this blog series (and I sure have), let it speak to you of the urgency of the hour.

1 comment:

  1. the Olympic rings logo - interlocked circles/spheres remind me a lot of the Ophanim / Ezekiel's Wheel within Wheel, as it is pretty much the same with the Audi car logo. if you google ophanim Wheel images, you'll see what i mean. not to mention my personal experience with them. and yes, it's a perfect match. so, although you may be right about this. I'm leaning toward angelic spheres, Ezekiel's Wheels being a part of it, if not all of it. the Ophanim (Torah) are said to be a certain class of Angel. so, if im right about this, then the interlocked rings/wheels represent, symbolize that class of fallen angels in their true native form.
